The new port of Turkmenbashi is awarded with prestigious awards

 “Awaza” Kongressler merkezinde geçirilen Halkara ulag maslahatynyň dowamynda dürli guramalaryň bilermenleri tarapyndan Türkmenbaşy täze deňiz portuna mynasyp sylaglaryny gowşurmak dabarasy bolup geçdi.

Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow Türkmenbaşy Halkara deňiz portuny gurmak başlangyjyny öňe sürenligi üçin aýratyn sylaglara mynasyp boldy. Bu sylaglaryň üsti bilen “Ýüpek ýoly” Halkara söwda edarasy we Aziýa-Ýuwaş Umman sebiti ýurtlarynyň söwda-senagat edaralarynyň konfederasiýasy Türkmenistanyň ulag ulgamyndaky gadymy Ýüpek ýoluny gaýtadan gikeltmek arkaly Gündogar bilen Günbatary birleşdirmek babatyndaky integrasiýa taslamalaryna öz goldawlaryny beýan etdi.

 Täze deňiz porty “PricewaterhouseCoopers” halkara konsalting kompaniýasynyň we Germaniýnyň “Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG” logistika we ulag kompaniýasynyň sylaglary hem-de Gamburgyň we Golland portlarynyň konteýner terminallaryny dolandyryjy “Zeeland Seaports” kompaniýasynyň minnetdarlyk haty bilen sylaglandy.

 Şeýle hem port “deňiz derejesinden pesde ýerleşýän iň uly port” hökmünde Ginnesiň rekordlar kitabyna girizildi. Şu kategoriýada dünýä rekordlar kitaby “deňiz derejesinden pesde ýerleşýän iň uly emeli ada” diýip  port gurulanda göçýän guşlary goramak maksady bilen gurulan emeli guşlar adasyny belledi.

Türkmenbaşy portunyň gurluşygynda daşky gurşawy we guşlary goramaga goşandy üçin Maks Plankyň Ornitologiýa institutynyň (Germaniýa) hem-de Wena uniwersitetiniň adyndan sylaglar gowşuryldy.

Prezident Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow Türkmenistan barada mahirli sözler üçin halkara guramalaryň ýolbaşçylaryna minnetdarlygyny bildirdi. Ýurt ýolbaşçysynyň belleýşi ýaly, biziň ýurdumyz tarapyndan bu abraýly guramalaryň hyzmatdaşlyga taýýarlygyna, şeýle hem şu günki forumynyň gün tertibine goýulan wajyp we möhüm meselelerine manyly we oňyn çemeleşmesine ýokary baha berilýär.  

Döwlet baştutanymyz şu günki Halkara forumyň çagyrylyşy syýasatçylaryň, hünärmenleri, bilermenleri, köpçülikleýin habar beriş serişdeleri tarapyndan bildirilen giň gyzyklanma Beýik Ýüpek ýolunyň häzirki zaman şertlerinde täzeden dikeldimegi maksadynyň ähmiýetini görkezýändigi barada ynamyny beýan etdi. Şu nukdaýnazardan diňe bir söwda, ykdysadyýet, maýa goýum babatda däl, eýsem syýasatda, medeniýetde, ynsanperwer gatnaşyklarynda, ýurtlaryň hem-de halklaryň arasynda dostlugy we hyzmatdaşlygy berkitmekde mümkinçilkler açylýar.

Bu duşuşyk bu işiň gidişine ýardam etmegi meýillendirilip, garaýyşlaryň çalşygy, özaragatnaşyklaryň konstruktiw görnüşleriniň oýlap tapylmagy, gymmatly professional gatnaşyklaryň ýola goýulmagy üçin gepleşik meýdançasynyň biri bolmagy wezipelendirilýär, diýip milletiň lideri belledi. Bu bolsa geljekki amaly işler üçin örän peýdaly bolup durýar.

At the international transport forum held at the Avaza Congress Center, a ceremony of awarding certificates and awards was held, marking the new port of Turkmenbashi by experts from various organizations.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was awarded special awards as the initiator of the project of the International Sea Port of Turkmenbashi. With these awards, the International Silk Road Chamber of Commerce (SRCIC) and the Confederation of Chambers of Commerce of the Asia-Pacific Region (CACCI) expressed support for Turkmenistan's integration transport projects that promote the convergence of the West and the East through the revival of the Great Silk Road.

 The new seaport is also awarded with the award from the international consulting company “PricewaterhouseCoopers” and the German logistics and transport company “Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG” (HHLA), a certificate from the container terminal manager in the port of Hamburg, and the Dutch ports of “Zeeland Seaports”.

The port is also included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest port below sea level. The collection of world records noted in the same category - "the largest artificial island below sea level" - an artificial bird island constructed during the construction of the port in order to protect the avifauna.

Awards for contributions to environmental protection and bird protection during the construction of the Turkmenbashi port were awarded from the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology (Germany) and the University of Vienna.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov thanked the leaders of international organizations for the warm words addressed to Turkmenistan. As the head of state noted, our country highly assesses the readiness of these authoritative structures for cooperation, and also appreciates a meaningful and positive approach to the important and urgent issues brought to the forum today.

The head of state expressed his conviction that the fact of convening the current International Forum, the wide interest shown to it by politicians, specialists, experts, the media, speaks about the importance that the idea of ​​revitalizing the Great Silk Road acquires in modern conditions. In this plan, prospects are opened not only in trade, economy, investment, but also in politics, culture, humanitarian ties, in strengthening friendship and cooperation between countries and peoples.

The current meeting is intended to contribute to these processes, to become one of those sites where the exchange of judgments is being carried out, constructive models of interaction are being developed, valuable professional ties are being established, the leader of the nation said. This is very important and very useful for further practical work.