A conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Democratic Party of the country was held today at the Center of Public Organizations of Turkmenistan

With deep enthusiasm, the audience listened to the Address of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, sent to members of the Democratic Party on the occasion of the anniversary of this major political organization in the country.

The message of the leader of the nation emphasizes that the 30-year path of historical development of independent neutral Turkmenistan has become a period of manifestation of the best humane and benevolent qualities of the national character. In this aspect, the Democratic Party has taken an important place in the formation of the legislative and legal basis of our state, the development of the ideological sphere, the political substantiation of international relations. The active organizational work of its members contributes to the consolidation of our people in order to achieve the lofty goals facing society.

The Leader of the Nation's Address also notes that in the year "Turkmenistan is the Motherland of Peace and Trust", historical events took place in our country that are of great importance both for socio-economic development and the implementation of socio-political, democratic and legal reforms.

Thus, the legal status of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan has changed, a transition to a bicameral parliamentary system has been made. The Democratic Party of Turkmenistan played an important role in the implementation of this stage of constitutional reforms, took an active part in the political and organizational support of the first elections of the Khalk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh. The election of many representatives of the Democratic Party to the Khalk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh speaks of the increased authority of the party among the people.

In their speeches, the conference participants noted that the congratulatory message of the Hero-Arkadag inspires for further fruitful work. Under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, independent neutral Turkmenistan has become a state that ensures a full life, rights and freedoms of citizens, whose well-being is a priority of the socially oriented policy.

It was emphasized that thanks to the tireless work of the leader of the nation, aimed at realizing the multifaceted potential of the country, the authority of the Fatherland in the world arena is increasing.

A vivid evidence of the broad international recognition of the positive political course carried out by the state is the progressive initiatives of the head of Turkmenistan, supported by the world community, aimed at ensuring universal peace, security and prosperity, the active development of constructive cooperation both at the interstate level and within the framework of the largest authoritative organizations and regional structures.

The participants noted that as a result of the policy of socio-economic reforms successfully implemented under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the main principle of which is "The state is for people!", оur Motherland is confidently moving along the path of progress and prosperity.

In the speeches, the emphasis was placed on the fact that over the past 30 years in the history of the Turkmen state and people, great transformations have taken place that have increased its power, as well as the international authority of the country, the Turkmen people and the leader of the nation, who from the highest tribunes calls all peoples of the planet to peace. , mutual understanding and cooperation.

Members of the Democratic Party are taking concrete measures to increase the effectiveness of agitation and propaganda work, to attract broad-minded young people to its ranks, to prepare and conduct events related to the political, economic and cultural life of the country. All this contributes to the patriotic, spiritual and moral education of the young generation, to the attraction of Turkmen citizens to active participation in the all-encompassing transformation processes unfolded in the country.

At the end of the conference, its participants adopted an Appeal to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, in which they expressed their sincere gratitude to the leader of the nation for the tireless attention and opportunities created to implement the program goals of the Democratic Party to further strengthen the democratic foundations of Turkmenistan, achieve new successes on the path of large-scale reforms affecting all spheres of the state's life. and society, assuring that they will continue to make every effort to achieve the assigned tasks.

Within the framework of the forum, a thematic exposition was unfolded in the foyer of the Center of Public Organizations, where works by skilled craftsmen were presented, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence and the 26th anniversary of the permanent neutrality of the Fatherland, celebrated this year, held under the motto "Turkmenistan is the Motherland of Peace and Trust."

During the conference, the activists of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan were awarded certificates of honor.

Conference on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan