On August 6, for the first time, Turkmenistan will celebrate a new professional holiday - the Day of Construction and Industrial Complex Workers, established by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan at the end of last year.

The international exhibition "Construction, industry, energy of Turkmenistan-2022" planned on the occasion of the holiday will present a wide panorama of the achievements, potential and prospects for the development of the complex. And the participants of the scientific-practical conference "Development of the construction, industrial, energy sectors of Turkmenistan" will discuss current professional tasks and promising projects in the construction, industrial, energy sectors, the chemical industry and road construction.

A specialized book exhibition dedicated to the Day of workers of the construction and industrial complex has been launched in the Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. Here, on several stands, a variety of literature is presented, published in different years for specialists, teachers and students of specialized universities. These are books, periodicals, textbooks in Turkmen and Russian.

Readers' attention is drawn to books on construction technology and other specialized publications. Among those presented at the exhibition are the quarterly magazines "Industry of Turkmenistan" and "Construction and Architecture of Turkmenistan", published in Turkmen, Russian and English. Publications addressed to specialists, teachers and students of educational institutions, employees of public authorities and private structures, cover a wide range of interesting topics from the field of architecture and urban planning, design and industrial production - from various aspects of the construction of a "smart city" to the development of the electronic industry, the use of innovative technologies and digital solutions in various fields.

Turkmenistan is preparing to celebrate the Day of Workers construction and industrial complex